Thursday, October 25, 2012

Humbling experiences

Today at work we were inviting to a "community service" meeting. This was not your typical painting, working at the food pantry community service but more of a display of appreciation for the housekeeping staff at the office. The team had collected thousands of rupees to buy "prizes" for the housekeeping staff.

The event started with a senior leader explaining how important the housekeeping jobs are and how they are the face of the company. They proceeded to play a "game". This consisted of a bucket and a tennis ball, the housekeeping team then lined up and had three chances to get the ball into the bucket while we all watched. The 5 people who got the highest scores received extra gifts. The gift was a small bag of basmati rice. We were then told by our team that this rice was so far out of the housekeeping team's budget that this was a very special present. The business teams hold events like this for the housekeeping team every 2-3 months. It was very special and humbling to be included in this event.

Here's a photo from the beginning of the event where the senior leader is addressing the staff:


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