Sunday, October 28, 2012

And the forecast is smoke!

Sunday evening I barely made it to my Indigo flight from Bangalore to New Delhi. Upon arrival my coworker showed me the weather report of his phone and said, "what do you think smoke means?"

Seeing smoke on a weather forecast is a bit unsettling, especially when you've never seen it before. When we got off the plane it became very apparent that there was something in the air, and it definitely smelled a lot like smoke. It turns out its really thick smog, created from heavy pollution and the dense fog that the winter months bring. I was told that in the December/January timeframe the smog gets so bad that the visibility is about 10 meters. This causes mass cancellations of flights and I assume makes it even harder to drive around here.

Here's the morning "sunshine out of my hotel room this morning:

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