Friday, November 2, 2012

The Magnificent Taj Mahal

The tour guide told us that the Taj Mahal touches people of all backgrounds and faith because it is a symbol of love. The Taj Mahal was built by a Mughal emperor for his wife. The monument is truly amazing but due to the winter fog of the area, the photo doesn't do it justice. (Not that I think any photo could do it justice). It took 22 years to complete the construction of this monument.
Me and my coworker, Nick, in front of one of the three gates
Each doorway area represents the entry to a one family home
These columns were designed to hide the joints. It's actually only made from 4 sides. The in laying of marble gives the effect that there are 8 sides.
The wall here has both carved marble and the inlayed stone design.

Close up of the design, stunning
Looking up at the Taj, it's enormity is breath taking by itself.
All of the color pattern here is different colored stones layed into the white marble.
Obviously had to take the signature Taj picture
Some of the marble and red stone floor design
Here is the royal guest house which sits to the right of the Taj

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